First in Electric Flight Training!
Cypress College is the first in Electric Flight Training! Yes, that is correct, Electric Flight Training! The electric aircraft is one of the newest and most advanced innovations in the aviation industry. What does this mean for student pilots? A potential savings of thousands of dollars in flight training costs! The electric aircraft has the potential to cut costs of becoming a pilot in half! While the in-air training is still in the works with the FAA, Cypress College is offering Electric Flight Training simulation NOW, to prepare you for when the real thing is released to fly! At Cypress College Flight Training we have replica simulators that can teach YOU to fly an electric airplane! Cypress College's very own Capt. Ed Valdez has been spending the summer getting checked out to become one of the first Electric Aircraft CFIs. That's right, one of the newest innovations in flight and Cypress College's own instructor and department chair is already flying it! Enroll in our Aviation and Travel Careers program to experience all that the electric aircraft has to offer, and read about us in Pipestrel Electro's newsletter!
In late March we had the opportunity to deliver the second X-ALPHA Virtual Reality trainer into Los Angeles region. Our first virtual reality trainer has been operating at Compton Airport for several months and this delivery to Cypress College is the second of many more heading into the Los Angeles and Central Valley regions.
Installing the X-ALPHA Virtual Reality simulator is a breeze after we managed to carry it up several flights of stairs (with the help of several students) because we missed out on using the service elevator by about half an inch.
After unpacking and installing the systems that have been removed for transit we nervously turned on the power switch and to my surprise (because it meant we had everything plugged in correctly) everything fired up and within minutes we had staff and students in the simulator with a grin from ear-to-ear.
Congratulations to Cypress College and their supporters for installing this amazing X-ALPHA Virtual Reality Simulator. This will be followed up with several Pipistrel ALPHA Electro aircraft in the near future.
More information about the X-ALPHA Virtual Reality simulator can be found on the following link"